© 2021, 2014 by DianaDee Osborne Songs.com
MUSICIANS: Rights for most songs Available; see end of blog or website "ABOUT US" tab.
ALBUM: Amazing Hope 'n' Humor
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ALBUM: Amazing Peace 'n' Passion
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I wrote this song's lyrics in the “high” of joyfully trusting God.
I wrote this song's music three months later in the “low” of joyfully trusting God even though I was unhappily fighting constant fear of having made some costly mistakes and the fear of not knowing what to do next (but in the trust: God listens.).
Why does God make so many promises to us?
LOVE. Desiring RELATIONSHIP with Him because
He DOES want you forever in heaven with him later but also NOW --
James 4:7-8, the CURE for fear.
Second Timothy 1:7 - God does not give us a Spirit of Fear. His perfect love casts out all FEAR when we trust....
God really cannot, by His Nature, lie -
Titus 1:2. GOD Himself speaking in NUMBERS 23:19. And LOGIC.
I WILL fear NO evil ... when God's on my side.
I seek to obey Him, in love for my God.
The world can be frightening. Life's Sea rages high.
BUT God is my Shepherd,
and I follow God. I follow God!
He leads me to Still Waters. I REST IN MY GOD!
Psalm 23, I trust my Shepherd LORD.
Hebrews 13:5, I trust my Shepherd God.
Psalm 23, I trust my Shepherd LORD.
Hebrews 13:5, I trust my Shepherd God.
THOUGH I walk through valley.... LORD God's by my side.
The shadows surround me -- BUT SO DOES MY GOD!
The world can be CUT-ting. People slashing out.
BUT God's my Protector when I'm by His Side.
I follow God! He leads me to peace and joy...
gives rest to my soul! >CHORUS
that Jesus is God.
Jesus's Word through Joshua 1:5 and Deuteronomy 31:6 that Paul quotes Jesus as saying long before that first Christmas:
Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have.
For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” - Hebrews 13:5
* “Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the LORD your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.” - DEUT 31:6
* “And the LORD, He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you, He
will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed.” Deuteronomy 31: 8
©2021, 2014 DianaDee Osborne (all material), all rights reserved. FREE personal usage; see website
Photo Credit:
Credit is included within or added to photo itself
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©2021, 2014 DianaDee Osborne (all material), all rights reserved. FREE personal usage; see website.
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