Friday, August 29, 2014

Shepherd of My Soul, by DianaDee Osborne

ALBUM:      Amazing  LORD 'n' Logic
Song location
     CLICK HERE      to hear music audio 

     CLICK HERE     for link to download free music sheets

Song Story:  THE  MUSIC:   
Another of the LORD's gifts, written in minutes as a prayer put to music.
The odd quirk in timing in the Bridge was from a timing mistake that showed up
when I quantized those measures in my studio program-- and decided that I liked
the quirk. Each time I goof, I do examine before fixing just in case it's another
inspiration from God -- as many odd features in His songs have been!
Dedicated to our God, who loved us so much He sent His Son, Shepherd,
2 July 2014


Shepherd of my soul, Jesus: Come and make me whole. Like a
leper on my knees, my filth grieves me. And I plead:
Shepherd of my soul, Jesus: I give you my whole Life, a
leper who is unclean, I cry, clean me of my sins.

BRIDGE – 3x, each one more fervently:
         CLEAN ME!   HEAL ME  of  ALL SINS,
                   SAVIOR,   I  REPENT!                    
God declares sin is MORE than dirt. Jeremiah 2:22.
Sin is carved, engraved on hearts. No acid or soap can clean it.
Without Jesus, Savior, there's NO HOPE. Jeremiah 2: 22.   
             CHORUS and BRIDGE
God delared we canNOT wash sins. Jeremiah 2: 22.
Long before His Son was sent to remove sins when we repent,
Without sacrifice of blood there's NO HOPE. Jeremiah 2: 22.
             CHORUS and BRIDGE
In Truth and Mercy, God provides atonement for our iniquities.
Proverbs 16: 6 shows us – 
           God planned back then for Jesus ! 
All re punished without Christ's sacrifice. Jeremiah 2: 22.
             CHORUS and BRIDGE

GOD SPEAKING thru  Jeremiah 2: 21-23:             CLICK HERE FOR LINK 
I had planted you a noble vine, a seed of highest quality. How then have you turned before Me Into the degenerate plant of an alien vine? 22 For though you wash yourself with lye, and use much soap, Yet your iniquity is marked before Me,” says the Lord GOD. 23 “How can you say, ‘I am not polluted, I have not gone after the Baals’?”

... “Though they join forces,                 [that is: Call that sin  NORMAL ]
      none will go unpunished.
               In mercy and truth
Atonement is provided for iniquity;
and   by the fear  [ Reverence, Respect] of the LORD one departs from evil.”

MUSICIANS:  Rights for most songs are available;  see official website "ABOUT US" tab.

©2014 DianaDee Osborne (all material)all rights reserved. FREE personal usage; see website.  CONTACT via  if no Comment Box:)
With thanks to  for providing God's Word in easy-to-research format.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

99 Lost Sheep Churches, by DianaDee Osborne

ALBUM:      Amazing  Holy Spirit 'n' Church 
Song location

     CLICK HERE      to hear music audio 

     CLICK HERE     for link to download free music sheets

Song Story:  THE  MUSIC:   
I decided to use a sweet waltz time as a CONTRAST to the seriousness of this
song... because people have been mesmerized by the presumption that
churches are following along with Jesus's teachings just fine as long as everyone's happy.
I was thinking of the hypnotizing music of the snake charmer... and of Genesis 3:1.
The Snake is constantly trying to charm God's people, Jesus said: John 8:44, John 10:10.

Song Story:  THE  LYRICS: 

Simple sadness at all the churches that are declaring that God's Bible Word has mistakes that “modern people” “know” God did not really mean for today. DECEIVED. Just like Jesus said in Matthew 24:11. 
             “My heart is broken because of the false prophets... 
     because of the holy words the LORD has spoken against them. ”
                            My thoughts, Jeremiah 23:9.
Dedicated to our Lord,  30 March 2014

If Jesus were walking this Earth today, would
He still teach parables of ONE sheep that strayed? OR
would our Bible heading tell us on the page top: Jesus
taught of 99 sheep lost?

God's Spirit still walks on this Earth today. See
John 14: 26 for what Jesus says.... The                       CLICK HERE FOR LINK
Helper,   Holy Spirit tells what Jesus taught:   about
   PRIDE   when careless sheep get   LOST.          

Would Jesus, God's Shepherd look at our Flock and
declare that now 99 percent are LOST?
Leaving God's Word. Leaving God's Rock.
God's Second Timothy 2 warns of wandering CHURCH flocks.
                                      CLICK HERE FOR LINK
All of God's books starting with Letter T warn us: Satan
SHALL trick God's shepherds to teach evil tolerance.
Changing God's Word. Saying what they want.
God's Second Timothy 3 warns of 99 CHURCH sheep lost?

Interlude: Reference to parable of the Good Shepherd.

YET Satan still WORKS on this Earth today. See
John 8: 44 of his LIES and his HATE. Jesus           CLICK HERE FOR LINK
taught us very clearly, Satan is quite real.  Satan
tricks church shepherds and church flocks.
GOD SAYS IN  Jeremiah 50:6,      CLICK HERE FOR LINK
“My people have been lost sheep.
Their shepherds have led them astray;
They have turned them away on the mountains.
They have gone from mountain to hill;
They have forgotten their resting place."


2 Peter 2  (at end of song)               CLICK FOR LINK:     
But there were also false prophets among the people, even as 
there will be false teachers among you, 
who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, 
even denying the Lord who bought them, 
and bring on themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their destructive ways, because of whom the way of truth will be blasphemed. By covetousness 
they will exploit you with deceptive words; 
for a long time their judgment has not been idle, and their destruction does not slumber....

Matthew 24:11 JESUS Said:
10 And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another.
11 Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many.  
12 And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.  
13 But he who endures to the end shall be saved.  
14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.

MUSICIANS:  Rights for most songs are available;  see official website "ABOUT US" tab.

©2014 DianaDee Osborne (all material)all rights reserved. FREE personal usage; see website.  CONTACT via  if no Comment Box:)
With thanks to  for providing God's Word in easy-to-research format.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Blind Sight Prayer, by DianaDee Osborne


ALBUM:      Amazing PSALMS 'n' Promises 

                                                                         REFERENCE:  25-095
     CLICK HERE      to hear music audio  FREE

     CLICK HERE     for link to download free music sheets
Song Story: 
This song was inspired by sadness at seeing a full church parking lot. No kidding. There's a church denomination that claims that God's Bible is true...
but teaches many things that contradict the Bible. Including saying that Jesus is
NOT the Son of God, that the Trinity Jesus spoke of in John 10:30 (and elsewhere) and
the Trinity that GOD spoke of that we love hearing sung each Christmas from Isaiah 9:6...
saying these are wrong in the Bible.

So each time I drive by this church, I pray that God will OPEN EYES...
and most especially for all who are truly seeking His Truth.
I truly admire the willingness of people who will go share their faith...
But am saddened that they think God won't let them into heaven if they do not...
...another direct proof of people eyes being blinded to God's Bible Word that says 
“NO one can get in heaven except through 
accepting the price Jesus paid for their sins, 
the blood sacrifice on the cross. Which is LOGICAL as well: 
      (1) Only God is without sin and thus the perfect sacrifice, 
      (2) So God's repeatedly word that Jesus IS God is logical, and 
      (3) our human inability to understand this actually is another 
EVIDENCE of the truth in Isaiah 55-- 
God is BEYOND our understanding of complete Truth. 
Evidence that people didn't make Him up-- 
or else they would have logically built a belief system 
that people COULD understand!
Dedicated to our LORD Who opens eyes... to Truth, 1 July 2014

LYRICS    4/4  time.  (2 measures per line; some syllables join for 1 count)
Blind me to all     / False __ "facts" __
'Til I'm strong in   /  Your __ Truth. __
So that I won't    /   be __ fooled  by
what  (__ at)  first looks  /   true. __  __   >> CHORUS

THE LORD (opens) (_the) / eyes (of the) blind __
if __  IF  they /  choose (to bow_ down. __
The LORD (raises) (those who)  /  are bowed down:
Psalm 146:  /   8. _ _ _
GOD will (open) (_ my)   /  eyes when blind, __
if I humbly  /   choose (to bow) down. __
God gives (wisdom) (to all)  /  who ask Him: __
James 1: 5 and /   6. _ _ _
God's (Holy) (Spirit) (_ will) / show me TRUTH: __
John 14: 26 - Same (is for) you __
Blind sight (never) (can blind)  /  us to TRUTH: __
Faith __ (SEES that) God's (Word is) /  TRUE! _ _ _

Open up my   /  eyes  __ wide __
to see  all the   /  false __ lies. __
Holy Spirit,    /  be my Guide __
as (Jesus) prom- ised  /  me. __ __  __  >> CHORUS

Give me words to /   SHARE __ TRUTH __
to show ev'ry /   FALSE __ LIE __
Holy Spirit,  /  OPEN EYES __ 
Use ( _ me) as You'd /  like. __ __ __       >> CHORUS

John 14: 26      CLICK HERE for link:
“But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you." -- JESUS

James 1:5      CLICK HERE for link:
"If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him."
This FUTURE song's Draft Lyrics (music not yet completed) is subject to change.
It is, however, copyrighted in this format, for private usage only.
MUSICIANS:  Rights for lyrics for songs not yet being worked with music are available; 
as are various  recording & publication rights for completed songs in Blog.  

©2014 DianaDee Osborne (all material)all rights reserved. FREE personal usage; see website.  CONTACT via  if no Comment Box:)
With thanks to  for providing God's Word in easy-to-research format.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

No Idea Blessings, by DianaDee Osborne

ALBUM:      Amazing  LORD 'n'  Life 
Song location
     CLICK HERE      to hear music audio  FREE

     CLICK HERE     for link to download free music sheets

Song Story:   Written during a retreat time overlooking a gorgeous river, after I'd
played music for a  worship time, and was considering with amazement the
"coincidences" which brought this wonderful job to be mine -- including some people
breaking the huge picture window in our home. (The glass company owner told
me about the position that I never would have heard of otherwise!)

3 SPECIFIC inspirations for this song:
1.  My husband was "a blind date" early in college. On the day I met him, I had NO idea
that we'd be so happily married 3 decades later. God guided me to
think on this, under the trees, in the warm breeze.......

2. I've "always believed in God" (just looking at Nature), but
thought I was a Christian because of it. One night someone took me to a
Billy Graham revival-- and I found the truth of James 2:19. But on that
afternoon, I had NO idea that my life would change forever - with JOY - in hours.
God guided me to
think on this, under the trees, in the warm breeze.......

3. Several churches I've attended have fervent prayer times that last 20+ minutes.
Among their prayers are "Thank you LORD for that accident You kept us from,
the sickness You stopped, the blessings You brought that we did not see."
A cool prayer.... and on this day,  God guided me to
think on this, under the trees, in the warm breeze.......
AND  to turn it into this song.

Dedicated to our Amazing God who blesses us SO far beyond our
dreams and even what we notice as His gifts-- Ephesians 3:20-21. 16 July 2014
REFERENCE:                       JOURNAL:   25-122

TIMING: 4/4      4 measures per line; 2 before slash /    if needed for clarity, 
Pickup = 4           multiple syllables in 1 count are grouped in parentheses. 
WE __ HAVE __
no i- (dea) (what a) gift it was when / God first sends some bless- ings.  _ (And if)
we aren't (careful),  we'll / call it LUCK __ /  when we see (they are) good things. _ _
ALL GOOD GIFTS (come from) God above _ / Common sense (_ should) tell us. _ (for the)

BRIDGE --  HIP HOP STYLE    with E Minor riffs    (2 measures per line)

... World is cruel __  ,  /  (trouble) __ full __
Most must (struggle ) ( _ just) /    to get food. __
Earthquakes, floods __  /  hor- (rendous) storms, __
Most have (struggled) (_ when)  /  weather comes. __
(People)  are cruel, __  / (selfish),  pride- full,  __
You're O.  K.  ('till you)   /   get  (in their) way. __
(Jesus),  God's Son is   /  our (only)  (Savior) (as we)
face (Evil)  (people) ( -- and) /   fear- some Nature. __ 
His Words in (Matthew) / twenty- four __
face us all (in some)  / way  (in this) world. __
Yet He's with (us if) /  we're with Him. __
John Fifteen, (Jesus)  is the Friend of
       ALL WHO OBEY /  HIM. __ __ __
John Fifteen, (we have) / no i- (dea) (__ of)
       all God's (many) __  / blessings!  __ __
SO__ LET's __
thank God (for all) (blessings) that we see when / God first sends us them.  _  And let's
be sure (we tell) (those who) call us LUCKY / they're not luck ( _ but) blessings. _ _
ALL GOOD GIFTS (come from) God above _ / Blessings give (_ a) way to teach (that the) 


Deuteronomy 28: 1-2  ( repeated in Leviticus. 26:1–13; and Deut. 7:12–24 )
“Now it shall come to pass, if you diligently obey the voice of the LORD your God, to observe carefully all His commandments which I command you today, that the LORD your God will set you high above all nations of the earth. And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, because you obey the voice of the LORD your God:

Leviticus. 26:1–13
‘You shall not make idols for yourselves;  ​neither a carved image nor a sacred pillar shall you rear up for yourselves; nor shall you set up an engraved stone in your land, to bow down to it;
for I am the LORD your God. You shall keep My Sabbaths and reverence My sanctuary:
I am the LORD.

If you walk in My statutes and keep My commandments, and perform them,

then I will give you rain in its season, the land shall yield its produce, and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit.

Ephesians 3: 1
Spiritual Blessings
All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ. 
Even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes. God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and it gave him great pleasure. So we praise God for the glorious grace he has poured out on us who belong to his dear Son.fn He is so rich in kindness and grace that he purchased our freedom with the blood of his Son and forgave our sins. He has showered his kindness on us, along with all wisdom and understanding.
MUSICIANS:  Rights for most songs are available;  see official website "ABOUT US" tab.

©2014 DianaDee Osborne (all material)all rights reserved. FREE personal usage; see website.  CONTACT via  if no Comment Box:)