Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Renaissance Life, by DianaDee Osborne

ALBUM:      Amazing Big God 'n' Big Words
Song location  http://dianadeeosbornesongs.com/2009---2011-Song-List.php 
Song Story:  THE  MUSIC.  The music tracks had been recorded as a game challenge to myself   to create something that sounded like Renaissance-style old music,  from history.   Why?  I have no idea except “God.”
       The concept of the music game “just came to mind” and it took only about a day to record it back in 2010.  And, since it was that style, it took a moment to decide to use the word “Renaissance” in the title and include the song in my Big Words album.   I literally just played "any" flute for each of the tracks.... and they fit together with very very few changes in the individual notes.
      In November 2011 as I finished fitting in lyrics, I decided that the song needed to BUILD somewhere.  That is when I added the playful piano high above the base music.  Again, I just played arpeggios of the root chords with various experimentation on SUS chords and 7 chords.... and it all fit.  God's Holy Spirit's creative touches, I am convinced.

Song Story:  THE  LYRICS:  The 3rd question... Do you sometimes wonder about the life you didn't have?... is one that was once often in my mind before God gifted to me the joy of this music ministry.   This song took over a year of intermittently fervent praying.... I finished ALL of the studio music tracks except high piano LONG before God helped me figure out simple lyrics that fit into the simple music.
       When our life is weary, when we dream of a different life, Jesus keeps His promises to GIVE it to us if we just accept Him as Lord in our lives (Romans 10:9).  And, unlike earth's lords, we can trust Jesus who loves us each so much that He died for us so that we CAN have an ABUNDANT  Renaissance Life ---
       John 10,  verse 10... 
       Ea-   sy   pat-   tern.
Dedicated to Life-Giving Jesus, 19 September 2010,  renewed 4 November 2011
Does your life feel weary?
Do you feel sad?  

Do you sometimes wonder about the life you did not have?
Do you wish you had made diff'rent choices?
Do  you fear that you'll never know true life happiness?

You need a Renaissance Life:  Abundant Life that's new.
John 10:  Verse 10, God yearns to give this Life to you
because He loves you so  much, SO much....  God sent Jesus to die on that Cross.
First John Chapter 3:  Jesus laid down His Life for you
so you can believe.  God has power to bring you a >>  

      John 10,  Verse 10 --    New Life.
      John Chapter 6 --    New Life.
      John 14: 6     --    New Life found ONLY in   GOD”S ONE SON.

Jesus will bring you a new life of joy if you
trust John 3: 16's  Word that Jesus loves you so.
Jesus wants to give you His life that's new.  It is
yours if you pray Romans 10: 9,  say He is LORD.
He offers Renaissance Life:  Abundant Life that's new.
John 10:  Verse 10, God yearns to give this Life to you because He
loves you so  much, SO much.  God sent Jesus to die on that Cross.
First John Chapter 2:  He offers Life Forever for you.
So you can trust God.  Choose Jesus Lord for eternal    >>

       John 10,  Verse 10 --    New Life.
       John Chapter 6 --    New Life.
       John 14: 6     --    New Life found only in   JESUS CHRIST.

REFERENCES:  Reading between verses   [ interlude =  10 bars of music ]: 
John 14:6,  Jesus, who is God the Son, said  

"I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” 
Jesus, who is God, logically knows the only way To God
since He Himself is God.   See John 17 verses 11 and 21.

©2021, 2011 DianaDee Osborne (all material), all rights reserved.  FREE personal usage; see website