Monday, October 22, 2012

Through IT ALL by DianaDee Osborne

THROUGH IT ALL  (children's song) 
Song location
Song Story:  THE  MUSIC 
       I'd been praying for children's songs as well as jazz.  This 'funk' sound was inspired by enjoying listening to a church band's guitarist and bassist "jamming" after the New Year's Eve service ended at  12:30 A.M.!  Several hundred people were rushing out, but I just sat and enjoyed the informal band practice, enjoyed watching the band laugh and worship God with this different sound in His creation......
      On January 1st,  this song began with the funk bass as I just "played around." "Accidentally" found some "bottle pop" sounds that still make me laugh.  I started some “jamming” of my own in my home studio using the funk beat that the church band had.... but original music, of course!  I stored my music project under the title of  “4-4 funk” without any idea what to do with it!  Expected not to come back to file until a few months later....
      But the next day, Jan. 2nd,  I played the music tracks again to think about what I'd completed the day before.... and I just loved the music.  I prayed a couple of words for guidance, then began cleaning my work  area.  I found an old sketch  of future lyrics --- started singing the first lines of the lyrics with this music.... and it all fit perfectly. Really different from my human plan, but SO much fun! 

Dedicated to God, who empowers and protects: Ephesians 3:20 (not my skills) and Ephesians 6:10-18,    written on 2 January 2012
1 and 2
      Through it all, I'll praise God --     Whatever “all” is.
      God won't lie.  Titus 1: 2 --        God keeps all His promises.
           Through it all,  I'll TRUST God --     Whatever  “all”  is.
           God won't lie.  Titus 1: 2 --        God keeps all His promises.
3 and 4
       I can do anything  through Jesus,      Who helps me.
       God won't lie.  God said this in     Chapter 4, Philippians.
             I don't need anything.  God provides all my needs.
God won't lie.  Titus 1: 2 --God keeps all His promises.

"I can do all things through Him [Christ] who strengthens me.  -- Philippians 4:13,
        a promise for us all.  (New King James Version]
"I have been sent to proclaim faith to those God has chosen and to teach them to know the truth that shows them how to live godly lives. This truth gives them confidence that they have eternal life, which God—who does not lie—promised them before the world began. And now at just the right time he has revealed this message, which we announce to everyone."  - Titus 1:2 and surrounding verses
©2012 DianaDee Osborne (all material), all rights reserved.  FREE personal usage; see website

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