Thursday, December 20, 2012

Old Rugged Cross Reminder, by DianaDee Osborne

A simple old hymn reminds us of the True Miracle of the first Christmas... First John 4:9-end,   GOD LOVED US FIRST.  WHILE  we were sinning against Him.

ALBUM:      Amazing Joy 'n' Choices   
Song location
Song Story:  THE  MUSIC:   
             God inspired this song in 20 minutes at the sanctuary piano -- both music and lyrics.
             Most songs are worked through three studios:  mine,  J&T Studio nearby, and Valley Worship & Praise Studio  over an hour away.  So to be efficient,  when I finish sketching out songs -- especially those written quickly in my journal like this -- I completely play through them on an old-fashioned piano before beginning the recording process. That ensures that I can read my own handwriting through sometimes blurry letters.
              As I finished this song, 
I was surprised at how much the old hymn's alto lines wove through the new music.  I DianaDee did NOT plan it that way.
And then I more carefully read the words I'd written... from God:
That we should cherish not the cross itself, but 
What gorgeous words from our Creator God,
in beautiful music that blends through the old hymn.

Original music and lyrics based on George Bennard's “The Old Rugged Cross” (Public Domain, CCLI # 19722)
Dedicated to Jesus 4 April 2011 renewed 26 Sep 2011

On a Hill far away  stood an old rugged cross.
the emblem of suffering and shame.  I shall
think of that Cross -- what Jesus suffered for me -- when I’m
tempted to cling to sin…… and hurt Him!   So I’ll…..

cherish You, my Lord Jesus.  

I’ll remember Your old Rugged Cross……
There is no temptation that I  can’t   stand against.  Jesus
died to free me from Sin’s power.
First Corinthians 10: 13,  Jesus has promised to me.  For His
death on that Cross set me…… 

FREE from Sin’s power!  So I’ll…..
cherish You, my Lord Jesus.  

I’ll remember Your old Rugged Cross……

“Now when someone leaves a will,  it is necessary to prove that the person who made it is dead.
The will goes into effect only after the person's death.
While the person who made it is still alive,
the will cannot be put into effect.
That is why even the first covenant was put into effect with the blood of an animal....
now, once for all time, [Christ] has appeared at the end of the age
to remove sin by his own death
as a sacrifice.
-- Hebrews 9: 16-18, 26b New Living Translation

©2011 DianaDee Osborne (all material), all rights reserved.  FREE personal usage; see website

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